Beware! Predators are Out There

As caring pet owners, we do everything possible to keep our pets out of harm’s way. However, with more wooded and natural areas being developed into neighborhoods and businesses, wild animals have fewer places to reside. Birds of prey, such as hawks and eagles, can pose a serious threat to cats and other small animals, and depending on where you live, coyotes and mountain lions may also be a danger. Since we share our habitat with wild animals, learning how to prevent an attack can make all the difference.

Depending on the size of your pet and the area in which you live, keeping your pet in the backyard overnight may not be safe. If your pets are accustomed to being outdoors and are able to defend themselves, such as a larger dog breed, backyard housing can be suitable. However, keeping smaller animals in the backyard unsupervised is not recommended.

A good rule of thumb is to appropriately fence in your backyard or outdoor pet area to keep out unwanted visitors. Depending on the region you live in, this may include fencing with barbed wire or roll-bars on the top to make it harder for coyotes and other large predators to get over.
If you come face-to-face with a predator while on a walk or even in your own backyard, stay calm and never turn your back to run away. If you have a small dog or cat with you, pick them up and slowly back away. Grab the leash or collar of a larger dog. Carrying a walking stick is a good weapon to help fend off an attack, as are sticks or rocks to throw at a predator if they look like they’re going to attack.

The best tip in protecting your pet from a predator is to let them outside only when you are with them, especially at night, and to keep pet food and water either inside or empty. All wildlife should be respected for their role in the environment, and while healthy habitats need predators, you don’t want your beloved pets to be the prey!