10 tips for shedding

  1. Brush your pet! Regular, even daily, brushing is the best thing you can do to keep your home free of hair. Brushing will also make your pet's coat softer, cleaner, and less likely to shed. 
  2. Feed an appropriate pet food. A pet's coat is often a reflection of what she eats. Feed a high quality food with good, digestible protein sources.
  3. Feed a fatty acid supplement like Vitacoat® Plus. Giving Vitacoat® Plus to your dog keeps her coat healthy.
  4. Cover your furniture and car seats. Upholstery is a magnet for pet hair, and removing pet hair from furniture or car seats can be a tedious task. If you allow pets on your furniture or bed, you would be wise to invest in a few furniture throws. Throws will keep your furniture looking (and smelling) better, and make your home more inviting to guests. Car seat covers are also an excellent investment and are highly recommended.
  5. Control allergies and fleas. See your veterinarian to make sure your pet is getting proper allergy relief. To prevent itching and scratching from fleas, use Bio Spot® ACTIVE CARE SPOT ON® for Dogs or Advantage® II to prevent and control infestations.
  6. Vacuum often. Be diligent in your vacuuming efforts. Frequent vacuuming is the best way to keep your home hair free.
  7. Bathe your dog occasionally during the summer. A clean dog will have a healthier coat. A gentle oatmeal shampoo once a week or so will clean without drying the skin and rejuvenate a lackluster haircoat.
  8. Have regular checkups. Many diseases can affect the skin and haircoat. Regular visits to your veterinarian will help identify problems early, and provide more effective treatment.
  9. Use the right brush. Slicker Brushes, Shedding Blades, Matbreakers and Love Gloves each have a specific function and work best on the type of coat they are designed for. Most pets need more than one type of brush to remove all of the dead hair. 
  10. Remove hair from upholstery and your dog's bed as soon as possible. Hair that is newly shed is easier to remove before it works its way into upholstery fabric. A Pet Hair Pic-Up Roller is one of the best tools for removing hair.