Benefits to Getting Pet Insurance

Have you ever considered getting insurance for your pet? While pet insurance was once considered a niche product for super-spoiled furballs, it’s really starting to catch on as more and more people realize how helpful it can be.

Prepare for Emergencies
Many people live paycheck to paycheck, but that has no bearing on if or when accidents will happen. Our four-legged friends are very small and fragile, and can easily be hurt. Fluffy and Fido also have a bit of a knack for getting into mischief! If you have insurance, you’ll be able to rest assured, knowing that if your beloved pet is hurt, insurance can help cover the costs of emergency procedures. You don’t want to be in a difficult situation where your pet needs immediate surgery, but you can’t afford it right away.

Budget your Pet Cost
Insurance may not cover all of your veterinary costs, but you may be surprised at how many things it does cover. Many people find it very helpful to plan for spending a specific amount each month for their pet’s veterinary costs, as opposed to footing larger bills at often-opportune times.

Promote Better Veterinary Care
We know, visiting us isn’t Fido’s favorite thing to do, but proper veterinary care is very important! In much the same way that many people are more likely to go to the gym if they’re paying for membership, pet insurance can help promote regular veterinary care. Most of our furry pals should see the vet at least once or twice a year, though some pets may need more frequent visits.
Treatment Costs
While exact coverage will vary from company to company, some pet insurance policies cover treatments for conditions that develop with age, or as a result of genetics. For instance, if Fido’s breed is prone to hip dysplasia, starting pet insurance coverage on him could actually save you money in the long run.