Why are cats so curious?

Cats are curious creatures. They love poking their paws in boxes and squeezing into tight places. Judging from all the trouble they get into, it's no wonder curious cats are said to have nine lives! Discover what makes cats curious and how their inquisitive behavior is a natural part of your pet's health.
Natural born instincts
Even though the Egyptians domesticated the cat thousands of years ago, our fuzzy felines share genes with their ancient ancestors. A cat's curiosity is born out of a natural instinct to assess their environment for prey and predators.
In the wild, a cat's health depends on how she responds to foreign invaders in her immediate environment. Cats are territorial by nature and their instinct is to protect their home and food supplies. So when you bring home that new shopping bag, your cat's curious nature is simply making sure it doesn't pose a threat.
Mark of intelligence
Every pet parent knows cats are highly intelligent creatures. Your cat's inquisitive mind has a real need to understand the world around them. From the food you are cooking to the pile of papers on the desk, your kitty's curiosity is her way of seeking answers to why these things exist.
An outdoor cat will explore a pile of leaves to hide under before the pouncing begins. Indoors, your cat may think a cardboard box is the perfect camouflage for attacking his favorite toy. If your cat is pawing around for a hiding place, just remember this curiosity is simulating his natural hunting behavior.
Cats use their minds to shape the world around them. While a curious cat may look like he's just having fun, he's also displaying intelligence and natural born instincts passed down from his ancient ancestors.